Best Purchases of 2022
The end of the year is here and with that comes a time of reflection. But this isn’t a post on self reflection, it’s about all the stuff that changed my life this year. Like, my life is better because I discovered the Beauty Blender… and turns out high waisted jeans aren’t so bad when you get the right ones!
So enough rambling, here are my list of products (divided into categories) I will buy over and over again.
Life Style
Also, I got my eyebrows ombre powdered this year and DUDEEEEE it’s actually life changing though. I use to draw them myself but they were always a little off, no biggie, but I love not having to draw them any more. I feel put together even when I just roll out of bed. I didn’t think my eyebrows would make that much of a difference but I get it now.
But wait, can I just say I discovered a life hack 3 months ago that… get this.. changed my life. (I mean this blog post is all about life changing products/ habits etc so it will be an overused phrase lol.)
I started washing my face for a full minute every night now. I use the same regular face wash in the shower but now I just divide my face into six “zones” and wash each section thoroughly for ten seconds at a time. And yes I do count.
So I divide my face into chin, corner of nose, nose, under eye, cheek, side of face and forehead. And then I gently wash my face for ten second increments.
My skin has seen an improvement and even when I break out, my pimples calm down so much faster. I mean it makes so much sense because your products need time to work and when I use to wash my face I just assumed I was doing an adequate job.
Turns out I was just washing for about 20 seconds thinking it was a minute. One full minute is a lot longer than you think. I challenge you to try it out! Thank me later.
Household Items
Work Related
Device of the Year
Favourite Makeover Space
That concludes my year end review on the most life changing products I bought this year. It was hard to narrow down and the list turned out to be a bit more random than I thought! But yeah, I want to hear a life changing thing you bought, did or saw this year!
As always, thanks for reading!