Decluttering Ideas and Hacks

New year, fresh start. 2020 was a doozy and I just wanted to start 2021 a little lighter, with less clutter and more organization in place.

I figured I'd share the process with you in case you were in the same mind frame. I created a list based off my own house. Feel Free to change it anyway you like. I've included a blank one for you to fill out yourself at the end!


With that being said, work at your own pace and give yourself grace! (Look at that, I rhymed. I was going to go one step further and say make yourself some space but that was bordering on corny.)

I like to compartmentalize in rooms but you can choose to go floor by floor or break down a room in different sections. No need to tackle everything all at once or else you'll overwhelm yourself.


In each category, I added dusting, cleaning baseboards and paint touch ups because those things don't seem to be done on a regular basis at my house so I'm going to take the opportunity to do so here. Plus, when I move things around, it gets really dusty!


When we declutter, try not to get into the mindset of just throwing everything away. We can always donate, sell or give away items that may no longer serve us. But the purpose isn't to just throw everything out so we could buy new again. Or else we'll just start the cycle all over again!


Everyone is different so every house will be different. If there is something you think you need to add to the list, feel free!


I created a bonus round because somethings don't fit in the room categories I created for myself. Your bonus round might look a little different. Take some time to see what you may have overlooked and if you still have the energy (because just typing this makes me feel exhausted) then you might want to give your home another sweep to see what you've missed!


Here is a template for you to fill out too in case the above categories didn't serve your purpose!


Ok!!! I'm going to get started. But first, I think I'm going to grab a snack and pick a playlist before I start moving on this.

Thanks for reading and oh, HAPPY NEW YEAR!




We are selling our house!


My First Year as a Full Time Influencer, 2020 in Review