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5 Easy Ways to Incorporate Plants into Your Life
I partnered with Herbal Essences who also believes in the positive power of plants to bring you this blog post. I only partner with brands I love and all opinions are my own.

My Favourite Trailing Plants
It's a weird flex but I'm going with it anyway. I own a lot of plants. Not like a crazy crazy amount but a fairly decent number. I don't own anything fancy or have rare plants like some serious plant parents. But I recently recounted my plants and in my sun room alone I have 47 plants!!!!

5 Ways to Be Greener
This isn't a preachy post. These are actionable items K and I have committed to reduce our ecological foot print. We know we can do more. But I wanted to share what we're doing in hopes to inspire you to pick an area in your life you can change.

Plant Decorator vs Plant Parent
Interior decorating has come full circle again in the plant department. It's nothing new as with all design. Decorating with plants has been a trend for awhile and we've been seeing a lot of greenery in decor and you're tempted to try.

You're reading this blog post because you THINK you have a black thumb but you want to inject plants into your home and your life. “I honestly think anyone could keep a plant alive.” I feel like a lot of you who just read my quote above are thinking, "yeah right...”