We are selling our house!
Are you guys shocked?! I feel like as a home and interior Instagram account this is a pretty big deal. And I feel like a blog post would be the best way to address some questions and thought process behind this decision we made. Namely because it probably won't fit a tiny IG caption. Plus, talking about it here means I can reread the reasons why when I start to doubt myself.
To start... we have to go back to the very beginning
During my farmhouse phase in thekwendyhome 1.0
A little history on thekwendyhome 1.0
The first time we sold our home was part of how we dealt with grief. We renovated with the help and insight of my parents and K's mother. Every decision and design choices were discussed with them. It was a family affair and everyone was so excited and happy for us. We were so proud of that little townhouse that we spent our early days as a married couple.
But when my mother in law passed away, it seemed like we couldn't escape the dark cloud above us that followed us everywhere for two years. We lived in a constant state of suspended limbo. I remember at the end, every phone call would be cause for panic. We were barely in our own home for the last year of her sickness. We either lived with her, or it seemed like we lived in the hospital. It was no longer our home, but temporary shelter and a place where we showered. We kicked into survival mode. I'm sure a lot of you who have experienced grief or a difficult time would understand why we wanted to move.
We sold our property along with hers. We wanted to run away from the dark cloud. We wanted a fresh start.
During the process of selling our home, we had really positive feedback. It cheered me up and encouraged me to know that other people saw this house and wanted to make it their home. And that's when K had a proposition for me. Find a well loved home in our budget that needs a fresh start just like we did and I could have free reign on it.
Thus began my passion project
thekwendyhome 2.0
This is the current home you have all come to know as thekwendyhome. It is an homage to my mother in law. We would never have been able to afford a house like this on our own. I think she would have loved it.
thekwendyhome 2.0 - Photo Credit: Janet Kwan
K saw my love for interior decorating and thrive under renovations in the first house and pushed me to take on a bigger project. He saw and believed in my potential and became my first and probably only client. He was the numbers guy and I was the eye, the project manager, the interior decorator and stylist.
It's funny because looking back he would tag along when I needed help with the heavy lifting. And he was the one who would page for me over the PA when I lost track of time in the home improvement stores. I am not an administratively strong person but it changed when it came to this house. I kept every receipt and documented every penny spent on my a little ledger. I had folders and sketchbooks. I was in my element.
So now, we're doing it again. We took a leap of faith and decided to list or home. We just started showing it and who knows what will happen. Maybe it's not the right time or maybe we won't be able to find a home we love enough to dub it thekwendyhome 3.0 or maybe it's not in God's plan for us. We're waiting to see and I'm just happy people are seeing my home.
Looking into the future
thekwendyhome 3.0
I would love to do this again and create houses into homes for new families to enjoy and grow in. We figured we would embark on this journey again since it's just the two of us and it's much easier to take on these projects right now. But like I said, it's all in God's timing and I trust that we will be find either way.
If no one buys this home, I already have a few projects up my sleeve that I want to try out. And we get to enjoy this home for longer. It's the beauty of designing with us as a family in mind. The space was custom made for us, how we entertain, do ministries and serve our family and friends.
If we do sell, then it's another adventure and you'll be part of the journey as we hunt for a new place to fall in love with and turn it into thekwendyhome 3.0. Either way, I'm excited to see where God takes us and what is next for our family.
Thanks for reading! This one was the longest one yet!